Please Help Leiland get to Children’s Hospital

Lieland is 3 years old and suffers from epilepsy, his Mother (my friend and ex co-worker) Sheena suffers from SSMS: Struggling Single Mom Syndrome. In all seriousness she is having a very hard time not only coping with the diagnosis of her son, but now the actual act of getting him to and from the hospital for MRI scans and specialist appointments.

She lives over an hour drive from said hospital. The worst part for her is now depending on others to get herself and her children safely there and back. Sheena is a very independent person, who generally won’t let anything stand in her way of remaining so. She could walk or bus where ever she needed to get with her boys until now. There is a fine she couldn’t afford to pay off a couple of years ago due to the SSMS. She had almost completely forgotten it existed.

Now the insurance company has piled on mass amounts of interest to the already too expensive fee she already has to pay! She has been paying it off for 7 months and the amount owed has only gone down $800. She still owes over $2000 so as you can see at this rate it won’t be paid off for almost 3 years!

She was given a day notice that her son was scheduled for an MRI March 22nd. She got a ride with a family member there, when they arrived tho Leiland had a seizure forcing them to put the MRI off and almost meaning they had to spend the night in the hospital. When they were finally given the ok to go home Sheena called her friend who was going to pick her up earlier without realizing said friend had to work, she was planning to pick them up, drop them off then head straight to work. Sheena and her boys then waited for their ride at the hospital for 5 Hours!

For those of you who saw my previous post on the same topic, thank you for yet again reading this one. I have no job no money at all, I can’t offer much help in that respect. What I do have is my blog, my Google+, Tumblr, my Facebook Page and Group, as well as a Facebook Group I just started for Sheena, my Twitter account, my website with her Gofundme account link to share on every one!

If you can’t afford to donate you can still help,

PLEASE Like, Share, Re-blog, Re-post, Re-Tweet, Join the page and invite others, whatever it takes to get the people who can help to see it!

^^The link to donate^^

^^The Facebook group^^

I wanted to personally thank D.J. Whisenant from for the one and only share I am aware of from my last post via Twitter, tho I believe he has now shut that account down in hopes to have a more personal connection with people or I would share the link to that as well. I do like the idea tho of more personal connections so good on him!

Thanks everyone and God bless!

Wild Smile

Isn’t it funny the way life twists and turns?

So unsure of all those who lurk around

Can every face I meet some how be impure?

I can’t help but notice the pressure, the weight on every set of shoulders I see

I wish there were a way for me to lift off that stress

To make it feel like all the worlds troubles just weighed less

Tho how would life look if we all floated around weightless

A world full of air heads who couldn’t care less?

To walk the journey without feeling the rain can you imagine?

What then would make us realize our worth?

For without struggle there would be no victories

No accomplishments, not a single thing would make sense

Still I’m stuck here seeing these upset faces,

These Ghosts that have taken conscience places

Blank stares, lost with no dreams

Still I beg of you how can I help?

For without conscience you won’t stop, 

Without dreams you’ve no goals

Nothing to aim for 

Nothing to push you that extra inch, or often that mile

The one and only thing I have found,

That makes even the smallest difference to the people standing on either side of the fence

Is a smile

My smile I swear has impossible powers

It’s as though those around me can’t help but to join me

No matter their current status, famed or feared

My smile is one to be revered

For a brief second everyone’s worries just disappear 

If only for that quick hello, or head nod, even mere eye contact becomes some sort of smile contract

Love me or hate me you simply couldn’t stop the muscles if you tried

Don’t think you too can’t change the world in some small way too,

Simply be sincere with every smile and let your heart shine through

Watch as even the darkest souls smile back at you

©2014 Shavon Taylor

Please help Sheena get her son to and from Children’s Hospital

This is my friend Sheena and her 2 boys. I have known Sheena for a couple years now and I have to say she is one of the sweetest most caring and compassionate women and mothers I have had the pleasure of knowing. I noticed her status on Facebook the other day requesting help with making a page. Her eldest son was diagnosed in September 2013 as an epileptic and has had 4 seizures since. She needs to be able to get her self and her son from Chilliwack B.C  to see a specialist at least every couple months in The Children’s Hospital in Vancouver B.C. (For those of you who don’t know that is an hour and a half drive)

Her problem is trying to pay her car insurance off. She has been making payments for 7 months now and sadly has yet to make a dent. The interest is the killer, every payment made seems to go almost unnoticed in the grand scheme of things. She is hoping that she can get enough together to try and make ICBC an offer they will accept, they are known to accept a great deal less than what is owed if offered a large lump sum payment.

As you may or may not know I was working on building my Facebook page’s audience as well as kick-starting my website. So I knew a little bit about what she needed to do so I messaged her right away! I started the page for her and then added her to the admin team. (Go figure in the process completely confusing my Facebook widgets both here on WordPress and on Facebook. lol)  Thankfully someone suggested a account because I had no idea how to go about actually collecting money, all I could do is get her out there and hopefully help her get noticed.

I was actually thinking to auction off a couple autographed poems with real four leaf clovers that I have found along the way and dried out in one of my writing books, but I’m not really sure how to go about that either, any suggestions would be greatly appreciated!

If you would like to help Sheena you can donate here

I realize too that times are tough and some are finding it hard making ends meet themselves, to those of you I say if you want to help there is still a way!!!

Please Like, Share, Re-blog, &/or Re-post the more people who see this the more likely one is going to be able to help!

Thanks everyone for your support and kindness in advance.

Put a Finnish to it, Canadian Babies Should go in Boxes!

I just read this article and it literally brought tears to my eyes!

Why Canadian babies should sleep in cardboard boxes like Finnish babies do”-The Globe and mail

The fact that the government won’t cover maternity leave unless you have paid into E.I. is bad enough, but to look at the children in Canada and the national poverty crisis! How many expectant mothers don’t even bother to see a doctor before they have no choic? The incentive plan the finnish have put in action is quite clearly an effective one! Their message is a comforting and supportive one, a small guesture that says “You matter and so does our baby.” Yes OUR baby, that baby will grow in OUR country, be taught in OUR schools, follow OUR laws, and become an essential part of our community. Don’t we want OUR children to grow up in the same nurturing and healthy environmen? Don’t we want OUR children to proudly say “I am Canadian!”? Please help me tell the Canadian governement it’s time to stop attempting to hide our problems in the boxes they keep in the back on the top shelf and start putting babies in them, with love and care in hopes to help each and every one get the start at life they deserve!

 Please sign the petition I created in hopes of providing a better beginning for a brighter tomorrow. Canadian babies can go in boxes too!
Shavon Taylor♥
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