Funny lookin’ in the mirror yet I can’t look her in the eyes
Inside I hide so much fear from her,
Can’t let her see thru my disguise.
The pain still seeps in
The world awakens; still, she sleeps in
Letting it all pass by yet again
She hangs her head to cry
So lonely yet so full of love to give
Always searchin’ for help from above yet so low she chooses to live
Vowing one day she will let the sun shine in on her darkness
Somehow, some way she will turn all this sadness to bliss
There is no reason for anyone to not have what they need
No acceptable reason to plant the seed of greed
No longer will she allow herself to go with out
Refusing to let her judgement ever again be clouded by doubt
If only she stopped allowing the bad ones in,
She might see how much easier it could be to finally win
Her smile no longer she will fake
Another second of bitterness I honestly don’t believe she can take
This world, all humanity would prosper so greatly if we all merely did our share
If we only did things the way we all knew was fair
Never taking advantage of another for our own gain
Instead of stopping to watch what causes pain,
We could stop what created it.
Rather than fight, let’s debate a bit!
Take a lil time to listen to our fellow man, I bet we could come up with a mutually beneficial plan
Maybe take a chance
Find ways to change the world
Or just investigate it’s mysterious ways
A new view, seeing past all the games we used to play
No more excuses for committing crimes,
No need for catching people like fish on your line,
Isn’t anyone willing to make a sacrifice
In the end do you not see
We are the only ones to pay the price
Karma will come back for you,
Honestly it’s your choice if she’s nice
She only dishes what she’s taken
Still you wonder why your heart is breakin’?
If you think you haven’t earned this heartache, I’m sorry to say you are mistaken
She knows what we do, she sees all
She is not the reason you fall,
Though she could be the reason you can finally stand proud or walk tall
I realize my opinion may not mean that much to you,
That’s just fine, go on doin’ what you do.
You can take these words how ever you wish,
Just remember the same you put out,
Will end up back in your dish
©2013 CloversAllOver Shavon Taylor
I read this and it reminded me of someone right in front of me