Please help Sheena get her son to and from Children’s Hospital

This is my friend Sheena and her 2 boys. I have known Sheena for a couple years now and I have to say she is one of the sweetest most caring and compassionate women and mothers I have had the pleasure of knowing. I noticed her status on Facebook the other day requesting help with making a page. Her eldest son was diagnosed in September 2013 as an epileptic and has had 4 seizures since. She needs to be able to get her self and her son from Chilliwack B.C  to see a specialist at least every couple months in The Children’s Hospital in Vancouver B.C. (For those of you who don’t know that is an hour and a half drive)

Her problem is trying to pay her car insurance off. She has been making payments for 7 months now and sadly has yet to make a dent. The interest is the killer, every payment made seems to go almost unnoticed in the grand scheme of things. She is hoping that she can get enough together to try and make ICBC an offer they will accept, they are known to accept a great deal less than what is owed if offered a large lump sum payment.

As you may or may not know I was working on building my Facebook page’s audience as well as kick-starting my website. So I knew a little bit about what she needed to do so I messaged her right away! I started the page for her and then added her to the admin team. (Go figure in the process completely confusing my Facebook widgets both here on WordPress and on Facebook. lol)  Thankfully someone suggested a account because I had no idea how to go about actually collecting money, all I could do is get her out there and hopefully help her get noticed.

I was actually thinking to auction off a couple autographed poems with real four leaf clovers that I have found along the way and dried out in one of my writing books, but I’m not really sure how to go about that either, any suggestions would be greatly appreciated!

If you would like to help Sheena you can donate here

I realize too that times are tough and some are finding it hard making ends meet themselves, to those of you I say if you want to help there is still a way!!!

Please Like, Share, Re-blog, &/or Re-post the more people who see this the more likely one is going to be able to help!

Thanks everyone for your support and kindness in advance.