
I know you think you see thru me cuz in many ways we are one in the same
Tho what you seem to forget is in many ways I am one of a kind
I don’t follow the status quo, in fact I’m generally inclined to move against the flow
Honestly if you’d actually hear me out, you might finally see what I’m talkin’ ’bout
Instead of judgment of others based on old facts, nothing new
Makes it really hard to find any other view
There are many angles at which you may assess a situation or person
Sometimes things get tangled, information askew, may become perversion
Just as there are many sides to a story, paths taken to get to the same destination can contrast drastically too
Empty all the pride, set aside all the glory, past: shakin’ like a game it all changes fast and so dramatically
What you see and what you hear are not often similar to the thoughts that fill my head
Who you be when you’re here might soften your climb into my bed
Tho what you think or calculate ain’t often that clear
Even when you show your work, you can still miss the mark dear
Sure I may let you pass
Oftentimes I just would rather not fight and attempt to forcefully tilt your head
Such a miniscule difference at times can tip the world on such an axis that it will make your head spin
I realize you’ve been played and hurt before and you think our similarities are somehow lost here
Tho found you are my dear
Like the key to your house being attached mysteriously to the one for your car
Open up maybe you don’t have to actually let me in but I’ll tell ya now, as if you don’t already know
The more you open up, the more truth you’ll find shown
Not merely my truth but the universal reality
The ultimate epiphany
Not discovered with the methods that are thought to be tried, tested and true
When assessing solutions take a chance once in a while and start it with a clear slate
Let the blanks remain without guestimated hypotheses
Wait to physically touch or see the answer on its own
I don’t want you to be vulnerable, just to be more aware of all the variables
Instead of colour by number, wait to stumble into a masterpiece
Release, let fumble, allow it to roll
Maybe you can cross this bridge without a toll
You may or may not know the greatest beauty sprouts from some of the darkest pains
If you look hard enough you may see the light inside this darkened place
Lighthearted laughter before the show, doesn’t have to equal disaster you know.
Look me right in the face and tell me to stay Only to turn and walk the other way?
Still I try and best believe I’ll try again, I will always get back up, I will always live again
This will never be the end

Who the F*ck are You?

Time to take this world by storm

just wait till they  see what i got in store

Fakes n phonies just thrown to the floor

That’s rite I’m at the plate n it ain’t dinner time, not commercial, industrial, nope not even coffee break

Imma crash down on em all so f*ckin hard you’ll feel thunder shake the earths core

Next comes lightning flash so brite ya lose sight

blinded, so now how u think you gonna fight?

My fame’s gonna spread like a bad rash

Albums passed ‘round like free cash

Everybody wants their piece of my sweet sweet pie

Guess what b*tches none of y’all were there

Not quite fair you didn’t see me n my inevitable fate

I bet sum people even getting a lil irate cuz ya just didn’t stack up

Now you’re claiming you’re rite there,

Like now your my back up?

Too good for me then, or just too f*ckin soup solid pretendin’ to be friends?

In reality you just had your backs up

You didn’t stand up when ya heard em talkin’ sh*t

That’s ok tho, that’s when I was busy writn’ this sh*t

News flash:

I don’t give a f*ck ‘bout you

Sure i did then, back when i thought you saw the power in me

Na, powerless more like what you thought of me

Instead you just tried taken advantage of me

Funny thing is:

Good things come to those who wait

Treatin’ me like lower class, trailer trash or better yet just 2nd rate?

Not once did you offer to clear your plate,

Banquet hall sittin’ in front of me then

Now you come to me wantin’ your just desserts?

Most of y’all ain’t gonna like it…

Mud pie extra worms

F*ck sum of you i’d pay to watch eaten ‘em while they squirm

You just laughed while u watched me fall

Well now how bout you try n uncry all those tears? Nope!

It’s exactly what you feared

This sleeping beauty just woke the f*ck up

Grabbed a Hoover n sucked her sh*t up

Many ppl who claim they knew me back when, they never knew me

N I aint givin’ another clue out for free

I was an open book to anyone who’d listen as I was trying to find myself

Now I remind myself, I  did it by myself and I’d do it again

true i’ve f*cked up ain’t saying that’s why I’m proud

Everyone slips, sum stumble sometimes even crumble

Maybe just for now I forgot to be humble but nows my time to shine so I think it’s Okay…

act like you knew me?



©2014 Shavon Taylor

Family Tree

Where problems seem apparent,
May not mean it’s all relative
If for a second you feel the need to seek help don’t give it a 2nd thought
I’ll take your hand, I’ll pull you back up
If we both stretch and still I cannot reach worry not for I’ll find you a branch
It rarely is as hard as it may seem, especially if we work as a team
Brother, sister, friend you’re of the same worth to me
I’ll do everything in my power to make your wish my will
I’ll catch you falling right out of the sky or just out of this family tree
Whomever, whatever it is you seek you will always find faith in me
I’ll fight fire with water from your “Dark Sea”
Fear will be all that drowns today
I will help you to see it can’t continue on this way
Even if I have to carry you I promise you we will make it thru to a new day

©2014 CloversAllOverShavonTaylor


I do not claim to be a rapper, strange the things that come out when you just allow them to. When I wrote this I remember imagining that I was already famous, to be honest it usually isn’t very often I am this confident! It felt good though, really good to not only be proud of my work but surprised by it as well! I never expected to write something like this yet I’m VERY glad I did! Hope you enjoy! For those who don’t like explicit lyrics, you may want to skip this one, tho it may be worth the read…

Time to take this world by storm
Just wait ’till they  see what I got in store
Fakes n phonies just thrown to the floor
That’s rite I’m at the plate n it ain’t dinner time, nor commercial, industrial, nope not even coffee break
Imma crash down on em all so f*ckin hard, you’ll feel thunder shake the earths core
Next comes lightning flash so brite ya lose sight
Blinded, so now how u think you gonna fight?
My fame’s gonna spread like a bad rash
Albums passed ‘round like free cash
Everybody wants their piece of my sweet, sweet pie
Guess what b*tches none of y’all were there
Not quite fair, you didn’t see me n my inevitable fate
I bet sum people even getting a lil irate cuz ya just didn’t stack up
Now you’re claiming you’re rite there,
Like now your my back up?
Too good for me then, or just too f*ckin soup solid pretendin’ to be friends?
In reality you just had your backs up
You didn’t stand up when ya heard em talkin sh*t
That’s ok tho, that’s when I was busy writn’ this sh*t
News flash: I don’t give a f*ck ‘bout you
Sure I did then, back when I thought you saw the power in me
Na, powerless more like what you thought of me
Instead of help you just tried takin’ advantage of me
Funny thing is: Good things come to those who wait
Treatin me like lower class, trailer trash or better yet just 2nd rate?
Not once did you offer to clear your plate
Banquet hall sittin’ in front of me then,
Now you come to me wantin’ your just desserts?
Most of y’all aint gonna like it…Mud pie, extra worms
F*ck sum of you I’d pay to watch eatin ‘em while they squirm
You just laughed while u watched me fall
Well now how bout you uncry those tears?
Nope! It’s exactly what you feared
This sleeping beauty just woke the f*ck up
Grabbed a hoover n sucked her sh*t up
Many ppl who claim they knew me back when, they never knew me
N I aint givin’ another clue out for free
I was an open book to anyone who’d listen as I was tryin’ to find myself
Now I remind myself, I did it by myself and I’d do it again 
True I’ve f*cked up ain’t saying that’s why I’m proud
Everyone slips, sum stumble sometimes even completely crumble 
Maybe just for now I forgot to be humble, but now is my time to shine so I think it’s Okay, like you knew me? 
Who the f*ck am I today???


Who The F*ck Are You?

River Rock Walkin’

Down by the river pickin’ up some heart rocks
No music, just a few friends, even fewer talks
Serenity sensationally silencing, surprisingly
Lost in awe, thoughts contained, far from drained
Energy in fact picking up with the winds whim
Worries turn to wonders
While the wisdom washes away all cares
Nothing like the feeling of the crisp morning air
Chills to the bone like ripples around the crashing waves
Almost reminiscent of more youthful days
Soft soothing sloshing sounds slowly seeping in subconsciously
Finding myself reminding myself not to listen too intently
So easily I can get lost in my own thoughts
The mind almost begging for the change in the air to rub off
Hours can pass as quickly as the clouds
If I get caught in a daze
Sometimes it’s hard to see thru the misty morning haze
Even on some of the clearest days
©2014 Shavon Taylor @ Cloversallover.com

Wild Smile

Isn’t it funny the way life twists and turns?

So unsure of all those who lurk around

Can every face I meet some how be impure?

I can’t help but notice the pressure, the weight on every set of shoulders I see

I wish there were a way for me to lift off that stress

To make it feel like all the worlds troubles just weighed less

Tho how would life look if we all floated around weightless

A world full of air heads who couldn’t care less?

To walk the journey without feeling the rain can you imagine?

What then would make us realize our worth?

For without struggle there would be no victories

No accomplishments, not a single thing would make sense

Still I’m stuck here seeing these upset faces,

These Ghosts that have taken conscience places

Blank stares, lost with no dreams

Still I beg of you how can I help?

For without conscience you won’t stop, 

Without dreams you’ve no goals

Nothing to aim for 

Nothing to push you that extra inch, or often that mile

The one and only thing I have found,

That makes even the smallest difference to the people standing on either side of the fence

Is a smile

My smile I swear has impossible powers

It’s as though those around me can’t help but to join me

No matter their current status, famed or feared

My smile is one to be revered

For a brief second everyone’s worries just disappear 

If only for that quick hello, or head nod, even mere eye contact becomes some sort of smile contract

Love me or hate me you simply couldn’t stop the muscles if you tried

Don’t think you too can’t change the world in some small way too,

Simply be sincere with every smile and let your heart shine through

Watch as even the darkest souls smile back at you

©2014 Shavon Taylor  CloversAllOver.com

Put a Finnish to it, Canadian Babies Should go in Boxes!

I just read this article and it literally brought tears to my eyes!

Why Canadian babies should sleep in cardboard boxes like Finnish babies do”-The Globe and mail

The fact that the government won’t cover maternity leave unless you have paid into E.I. is bad enough, but to look at the children in Canada and the national poverty crisis! How many expectant mothers don’t even bother to see a doctor before they have no choic? The incentive plan the finnish have put in action is quite clearly an effective one! Their message is a comforting and supportive one, a small guesture that says “You matter and so does our baby.” Yes OUR baby, that baby will grow in OUR country, be taught in OUR schools, follow OUR laws, and become an essential part of our community. Don’t we want OUR children to grow up in the same nurturing and healthy environmen? Don’t we want OUR children to proudly say “I am Canadian!”? Please help me tell the Canadian governement it’s time to stop attempting to hide our problems in the boxes they keep in the back on the top shelf and start putting babies in them, with love and care in hopes to help each and every one get the start at life they deserve!

 Please sign the petition I created in hopes of providing a better beginning for a brighter tomorrow. Canadian babies can go in boxes too!
Shavon Taylor♥
 [polldaddy poll=7687663]

Daddy’s Girl

So young, so sweet, so innocent

How can this be, Daddy’s lil girl now an Angel to heaven she’s sent

No longer bound by the limitations of growing old

Never again will he be alone in his cold

She is free now to do whatever her wish, whatever she feels

Yet left here on earth is a hole in his heart he doubts will ever be healed

Eternal youth and beauty that’s how she’s remembered

For him I know there shall be no such day so cold as that day in December

How he must be hurting, I can’t even attempt to understand

All those memories will forever linger of the times he’d held her little hand

It breaks my heart to imagine how his faith too must have been stripped away that day

There are no words, no matter the strength of their comfort that will send his hurt away

How the world can be so cruel, I just can’t understand

Things can turn upside down so fast, no matter how hard you try to stick to a plan

Tears fall from many eyes on this day,

As they remember the beautiful soul taken long before her day

My only hope among all the despair is that he knows no matter the time, problem, or place

She will always be there, all he has 2 do is envision her face

A love between father and daughter may not be one to be considered rare,

Though I can tell you that love is one in which no other will ever compare

©2013 Shavon Taylor CloversAllOver.com

Fantasized Fame

Fantasized Fame

Fantasized Fame

Takin’ power from the ground, always in motion

This chick ain’t slowin’ down for no one

I’m bout to claim my crown and show  these fools I’m not clownin’ around

Got the kinda energy none can master

They just can’t keep up with me, not that I’m even the one they’re after

I chase ’em down just for fun, love to watch ’em turn to run

Some people like games but I’m not one to be playin’ around

Y’all think I’m lost now that I’m finally found?

Tryin’ to turn this sh*t off ain’t

Sorry if now it seems I’m only tryin’ to please me

We may not be able to fool each other but we can fool ourselves easy enough

Every body’s got their story, the things they like to call rough

I’m not about to compare, I’d rather not see just how little you care

So much time I have spent helpin’ the hindered

Now that I’m lost no help left to be delivered You think I’m undeserving?

For me there seems to be less understanding

Watching my world crumble to the floor still I’m helpin’ the homeless to a door

Pickin’ up the shattered bits off the dizzying floor

Piecing them back together so they fit back in your frame

Finding time to clean up other’s messes I couldn’t even try to explain

Hang it back up on your wall

Catchin’  you right outta the sky, no more free fall

So you once again can reminisce on the good times and all that you once enjoyed

Helpin’ families find focus, yet I’m still unemployed

Can’t move ahead if I keep lookin back

I just wish I knew which cards to throw away in order to get the right ones from the stack

Gotta stay on track keep my focus on the main goal  

Maybe try judging the pot against the toll

Can’t keep goin’ all in for all of you

It’s ’bout damn time I start thinkin’ bout me too

©2013 Shavon Taylor

Stepping it up

Stepping It Up

I demand the respect you all expect for yourselves, and it’s about time

The way I allowed myself to be treated should be a crime

A crime on humanity, only showing my humility

Funny isn’t it, seeing the doormat step up to the plate

I’m done with the boys, no more 2nd rate

First class all the way, I called shot-gun and up front is where I plan to stay

Hold on tight now because you’re in for quite a ride

In the shadows I will no longer hide   I can and I will live to love myself

Taking all my insecurities and puttin’ ’em on the shelf

Won’t let you drive me crazy constantly waiting and wanting more

No more will I be pickin’ my heart up off the floor

You can’t hack this heart, good luck with around the world

How ’bout right down the drain where my brain often swirls

Up outta the gutter  I am amazing and you’d be lucky to have me

Didn’t I say I was done?

I didn’t stutter, maybe you didn’t quite hear me

Though I know I spoke quite clearly

Honestly I don’t like repeating myself, I don’t speak just for fun

So if you don’t have the time to listen, please don’t bother to ask

This communication thing really shouldn’t be such a difficult task

I must say listening is nowhere near as important as actually hearing

What is it exactly about the words I’m saying that your fearing?

The fact that I might be right or that you might actually be wrong?

You said we could never last, yet I’ve stuck around now for how long?

How many times have we said goodbye?

How many tears have I, will I cry?

It doesn’t really matter in the end honestly

I have finally realized I don’t need you or anyone

I have everything I will ever need, it’s just the same as all I will ever be