A whole new life awaits just around the bend
Beware of the jagged rocks scattered throught the trail
Low hanging vines threaten to strangle your sight
Sure footing the only way to continue forward
The key to making it happen?
A stable foundation, knowing where you stand
All the while never sure where the path may lead
Hopping from one moment to the next
Seeking stability in each step
Every hand reaching from the darkness has it’s own agenda
It’s own mark to leave in your past
Some lifting, gliding, guiding palms
Others crushing, punching, punishing fists
Watch your step,
Potholes and landmine plague this field of dreams
A moment’s hesitation could seal your fate
Thoughts so easily slip away like sand in the wind
Time drifts away in the breeze
All swirling, whirling, confused and confined within itself
Memories bottled on a shelf slowly growing dust
All mashed together to form a surprisingly elegant collage
A single frame to contain all of them seems impossible
A tight squeeze to say the least
Instead they become lost moments once held so dear
Locked away in the darkest corners of our minds
Leaving us lost to the emotions of our hearts
We all find a seat in the empty hall for now,
knowing we will be called soon
Empty, void of all answers
Only questions remain in this Life Of The Unknown
©2015 Shavon Taylor ♥CloversAllOver♥