Saves Me
I honestly don’t think I’ve stayed so quiet in my entire life
I knew not a single word I said could comfort you
As if your frustrations with life weren’t enough
You’ve now taken on mine too
No matter how hard I wished there was anything I could say
Deep down I knew silence was the only way
For me to actually just keep my mouth shut was really a great feat
I thought of the things I wanted to say, wordlessly in my seat
Holding my breath in attempt to hold back tears
In the void of all noise my head began filling with fears
Fears of loosing you completely
Fears that this quiet would defeat me
As you know I enjoy almost every second spent next to you
Even here mouth clamped shut wondering what I should do
So for now I’ll continue to hold my hopes up real high next to my dreams
Noiselessly pushing away the inner voice trying so hard to scream
I realize you had no intention to hurt me,
In fact that’s the only thing you have ever stated clearly
You even did so right from the start
You never asked me to give you the key to my heart
I swear tho, I will never speak again if the word you’re seeking is goodbye
It’s so hard in this dead air not to allow myself to cry
I’m not sure I will ever get thru to you,
I doubt I’ll even understand you, let alone the things you do
The only thing I do know is this
You really do drive me completely crazy,
Almost as much as you amaze me
©2013 Shavon Taylor